Saturday, May 8, 2010


I’M IN FRANCE!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I’m actually here. We just got in a few hours ago and I’m already in LOVE. French is the prettiest language in the world. I could just listen to French people talk all day and be so happy.

The flight to London got delayed a little while because we had to fly around the volcanic ash, but they gave us yummy food so it was alright. I sat next to the cutest British couple and talked to them about got me REALLY excited for my internship! When we got to London we had already missed our connection flight but there was another flight leaving in only 45 minutes... how perfect :).

I just moved into my apartment and 7 of us girls went out to dinner at a place called La Bomba! They have delicious pizza and Italian food... my pizza reminded me of Little Italy in Athens! Our waiter had some sassy ribbons in his hair... we all loved it. The rooms we're staying in have such a pretty view! I’m extremely jet-lagged and delirious… but I’m going to try and stay awake as long as possible so I can get used to this time difference. I’M IN FRANCE!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So fun to hear from you right away that you are there safe and sound!! Pizza sounds delicious! Good luck with the time zones! I love you, sweetie!
